
Why North Korea is a Rational Actor.

I recently raised a point with friends that I believed Kim Jong Un was acting rationally. This received the response you might expect, a few laughs and one individual saying, "A rational actor? Said no one ever!". Do not get me wrong, I have known to be a devil's advocate at times and pushing buttons in order to spark at debate but on this occasion, I was stating what I believed to have been fact. I should also point out that I am not defending Kim or his regime, nor am I setting out to bash the United States, despite the suggestions that this might be my intention. I understand the response of my friends. How does someone rational kill their uncle using an anti-aircraft weapon? How does someone rational starve their own people to do death? How does someone rational continue to test military and nuclear devices knowing that this will likely bring further sanctions (or perhaps worse)? My response to these questions, and my rationale behind making such a ‘ludic...
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